Object Modeling Strategies (IV)
Str#6. "Four Kinds of Features" Strategy // identifying purpose and features- Be certain to include features that cover the following:1. Log important information.2. Conduct [more...]
Object Modeling Strategies (III)
Identifying system purpose and featuresA purpose is an overall desired result, the aim of one's actions. Features are specific capabilities for the system under consideration.This section [more...]
Object Modeling Strategies (II)
Str#1d. "Invest an Hour" Strategy // activities and model components- Rather than philosophize endlessly, invest an hour in each of several different ways of modeling a particularly challenging [more...]
Joshua Bloch咏Tiger诗八首
“Ease of Development”是J2SE 1.5的主要卖点。为此,这一版本加入了七种新的语言特性——Enhanced for Loop、Autoboxing/Auto-Unboxing、Varargs、Static [more...]
Object Modeling Strategies (I)
Activities and model componentsStr#1. "Four Major Activities, Four Major Components" Strategy // activities and model components- Organize your work around four major activities, within four [more...]
接受程序设计语言的再教育 [转载自dearbook书评]
再教育?没错。依个人愚见,大多数中国程序员都需要接受一次有关程序设计语言的再教育,而Michael L.Scott所著的《程序设计语言——实践之路》则可以成为这次再教育中的最好读本之一。在现代汉语中,没有什么词比“急功近利”更能体现当代程序员对于程序设计语言的期望和要求了——我见过太多太多只学会了“Hello,World [more...]
今天凌晨coding的时候发现一个很有趣的现象。“Object类是Java体系的单根父节点,所有Java类都从Object类继承。”这句话是大部分green [more...]