家用游戏机的历史:世嘉、任天堂和 PlayStation 的故事 [zz]

原文转自:阮一峰的网络日志,作者:阮一峰今年是电子游戏业很重要的一年,下一代游戏主机 PlayStation 5 和 Xbox Series X [more...]
原文转自:阮一峰的网络日志,作者:阮一峰今年是电子游戏业很重要的一年,下一代游戏主机 PlayStation 5 和 Xbox Series X [more...]
原文转自:FenixSoft 3.0声明:本文为笔者原创,但首发于InfoQ中文站,详见文末声明。说起Java虚拟机,许多Java程序员都会潜意识地把它与Sun[注1] HotSpot虚拟机等同看待,也许还有一些程序员会注意到BEA JRockit和IBM J9,但大多数人对JVM的认识都仅限于此了。从1996年初Sun发布的JDK 1.0中所包含的Sun Classic [more...]
政府服务一直是云服务所不能涉及的领域,其特殊性使得政府进入“云”的时候只能三思再三思。不过Amazon在今天推出的AWS(amazon web services) GovCloud打破了这个定律,第一次将政府带入到“云”上面去。正如ITAR(International Trade and Arms [more...]
First, if you do not have a LEAP account, you can request one in the IBM Wireless Account ManagerEnter the settings application. At least for the Nexus One, I press the menu hard key then click [more...]
In my current project deploying Insight to WAS, I got the following exception when trying to access Insight: [8/7/11 21:51:09:639 CDT] 00000033 webapp E com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.webapp.WebApp [more...]
When configuring system DSN, you encounter one of the following errors: The setup routines for the IBM Rational XML ODBC Driver could not be loaded due to system error 126 The following steps could [more...]
Catalog node/database node: catalog tcpip node <node_name> remote <hostname> server <port_number> databse: catalog database <database_name> as <database_alias> at [more...]
原文在这里 Somehow our industry has become known as "legacy." A horrible stigma to overcome, isn't it? But is it justified? Let's think about this for a moment. Our current hardware [more...]