TLS nonce-nse [zz]

Orig. from CloudflareOne of the base principles of cryptography is that you can't just encrypt multiple messages with the same key. At the very least, what will happen is that two messages [more...]
Orig. from CloudflareOne of the base principles of cryptography is that you can't just encrypt multiple messages with the same key. At the very least, what will happen is that two messages [more...]
去年是CNNIC(国字头的“中国互联网络信息中心”,12306网站证书的签发单位)这次是WoSign这么多年Google仅有的几个distrust [more...]
Wikipedia上有关HSTS的介绍:有关HSTS preload list介绍: preload [more...]
Enable ssl sitesudo a2ensite sslEnable ssl, rewrite modsudo a2enmod rewrite sudo a2enmod sslAdd rewrite commands in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default, redirecting all [more...]