Object Modeling Strategies (II)
Str#1d. "Invest an Hour" Strategy // activities and model components- Rather than philosophize endlessly, invest an hour in each of several different ways of modeling a particularly challenging [more...]
Str#1d. "Invest an Hour" Strategy // activities and model components- Rather than philosophize endlessly, invest an hour in each of several different ways of modeling a particularly challenging [more...]
今天是Java China 2005的最后一天,下午没有去各个分会场,而是去了长富宫饭店的“Java认证群英欢庆会”,目的只有一个:和Java之父James Gosling合影。 …… 由于明天要交实习手册,拍照过程当中使用的个中手段先按下不表,总之合影是成功的,效果是令人满意的 :twisted: [more...]
Hiding from the rain and snowTrying to forget but I won't let goLooking at a crowded streetListening to my own heart beatSo many peopleAll around the worldTell me where do I findSomeone [more...]
大四了大家好像都很闲的样子,前两天静子突然在Blog上布置了一篇作业,点了5个人,各自总结自己的5个特殊嗜好。看情形她好像也是从别人那儿(长脚)接来的活儿,就暂且不怪她了。但这样人数以5的指数次幂递增,估计很快会风靡Blog的 :idea: 。在这里当一回弄潮儿,先在风口浪尖上挖个坑,将来说起来也能以“前辈”自居了 :twisted: [more...]
“Ease of Development”是J2SE 1.5的主要卖点。为此,这一版本加入了七种新的语言特性——Enhanced for Loop、Autoboxing/Auto-Unboxing、Varargs、Static [more...]
引用一、Windows Media Player PowerToy这个工具是最常见的,为你的MSN Spaces添加一个在线播放器,可以播放电影或者音乐。无需多说咯……乎乎使用方法:1、进入MSN Spaces的编辑页面。2、在编辑页面的地址(这时在地址栏中显示的地址)后面加上“&powertoy=musicvideo” [more...]
Activities and model componentsStr#1. "Four Major Activities, Four Major Components" Strategy // activities and model components- Organize your work around four major activities, within four [more...]
一、概述当不需要全部实现适配器接口提供的方法时,可先设计一个抽象类实现适配器接口,并为接口中每个方法提供一个默认实现(空方法)。那么该抽象类的子类可有选择地覆盖父类的某些方法来实现需求。二、结构三、动机对于一个接口不想使用其所有方法时 [more...]