Apache给EJB 3.1(JSR #318)投了否决票
刚才在Glassfish的Google Group上收到有关Apache在EJB 3.1 JSR表决上投了否决票的消息。过去看了一下,发现只有Apache投了否决票,Eclipse、Spring弃权,而且Apache的理由相当牛逼:On 2009-11-30 Apache Software Foundation voted No with the following comment: The [more...]
两张和Google Wave有关的截图
这张截图是前两周的了,wave服务器为什么down的原因不重要,重要的是,这双脚,很迷人……这张图是GFW封google应用的证据。刚开始用wave beta的时候很纳闷,为什么之前在dev [more...]
Mac OS X的内存管理策略
参考了apple的这篇官方文档。下面是我看了之后的理解,欢迎大家拍砖先是有关三种内存空间的定义:The active list contains pages that are currently mapped into memory and have been recently accessed. The inactive list contains pages that are [more...]
妈的,刚才升wordpress 2.8.6差点挂
有关Google GO
最近Google [more...]
10 things all JAVA developers should know [zz]
原文在这里Since JAVA (I know it's not an acronym, but it stands out like that) was officially introduced in 1995, it has changed the way most of us look at the Operating System. Bill Gate (how ironic) [more...]
感谢Blader同学的抛砖首先,这段代码会编译成功吗,运行起来会有异常吗,他会打印什么?import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;public class Foo { public static void main(String[] [more...]