多谢Lu Gen童鞋的邀请,正式开始使用G+~
随后,按照Lu Gen童鞋的指引,按照这里的介绍,成功邀请了老四。谁要邀请的,赶紧带着gmail邮箱拍砖吧~
- View your "Circles" page.
- Click "Add a new person" to add someone to your circle.
- Select your person from the list. If they are not appearing, simply input their email address.
- Add the person to your circle. After doing so, go to "Home" where you can view the stream.
- Compose a new post, but make sure the box is checked next to "Also email…"
- Click "Share" and you're set. Now the person will see the post in their inbox, which will grant them access to Google+.
-- EOF --
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Today on history:
【2016】庶民的胜利 [zz]
srdgame (a) gmail.com
[email protected] .拍
[email protected] .拍