刚才在Glassfish的Google Group上收到有关Apache在EJB 3.1 JSR表决上投了否决票的消息。过去看了一下,发现只有Apache投了否决票,Eclipse、Spring弃权,而且Apache的理由相当牛逼:
On 2009-11-30 Apache Software Foundation voted No with the following comment:
The Apache Software Foundation’s vote is based on the point of view that this spec lead – Sun – is in violation of the JSPAhttp://www.apache.org/jcp/sunopenletter.html
and therefore shouldn’t be allowed to lead other JSRs until the above matter is resolved.
This vote is not a comment on the technical merits of the JSR. If not for the issue of the spec lead, the ASF would have otherwise voted “yes”.
My name is Geir Magnusson Jr, and I’m the officer of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), a 501(c)3 public charity, charged with matters relating to our participation in the Java Community Process (JCP). I am also the VP of the Apache Harmony project. In this matter I represent the ASF.
We expect you to offer an acceptable, JSPA-compliant license to us within 30 days, or provide a public explanation of why you cannot do so.
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